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New program: FileSearchy - Quick file search utility (freeware)
I reverted to ES 1.2.x as the beta kept hanging until the index was rebuilt. I looked in Services applet and didn't see anything. Also they say on W8 forum that if an autostart program needs to be run as admin, it won't do it without UAC prompt. They create a scheduled task to get around it. I have UAC set to show me no notices or whatever the lowest setting is. I thought it would be better than W7 but it seems to be worse. Programs in Program Files folder can't even create files in their own folder without being run as Admin. Really annoying.
Of course running as a service just runs as System to bypass all the bs. :)
Stoic Joker:
Programs in Program Files folder can't even create files in their own folder without being run as Admin. Really annoying.-MilesAhead (November 23, 2013, 10:17 AM)
--- End quote ---
Even if you reset the permissions on the program's directory? I've had to do that in the past with some legacy applications (in a pinch), and it always resolved the issue. But I haven't tried it on a Win8 machine yet ... So you're saying it still won't work without nagging you? ...That does suck.
But scampering back closer to the assigned topic... :D ...I've been using Xteq's X-Find for years to do this kind of thing, but it hasn't been updated for years. So I've been toying with looking for an alternative application (hence my interest here), but it has to be something I can use in a quick-N-dirty fashion when dealing with client networks that may or may not have access to the fancy hat account for a variety of reasons.
You have to do the take ownership thing or whatever. W8 is a lot bitchier than W7. Also it has that secure boot crap. If you want to boot a CD say Partition Wizard, you have to boot into BIOS, turn secure boot off, then boot the CD, then after you do whatever from the CD, you then enable the secure boot again. I leave secure boot on just because I can't make backup images. 3.5" HDs are too heavy to carry around. :) I hope it does prevent rootkits because it is a PITA. :)
Nice. Thanks for posting this. I like the relevance bar. However, I miss the ability to rank the search results by relevance (the way it's possible in DocFetcher for instance). I need to search for terms in the contents of 1300 PDF files (ebooks and articles), and going through e.g. 500 results is time-consuming.
Not bad Cashper!
Looks nice, finding files is really instant.
I would install it on 10 notebooks but there are only limited user accounts available.
So the only way atm is to create a task that runs with highest privileges but I do not
want it to popup automatically so could you please add an option to just display it's
tray icon instead of the full gui?
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