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New program: FileSearchy - Quick file search utility (freeware)
Hi sajman99,
Thanks for your comments!
Do you plan to add some type of filtered results (as you did in MultiFind)? I have to agree with the comments of dr_andus that searching many content results is too time-consuming. A filtered/outline view which displays only the searched-for text would enhance the user experience.
So there is currently no hotkey or other expedited method of navigation? This is a real limitation of FileSearchy as it's very cumbersome to click each highlighted line (in the lower pane) to navigate found text. BTW clicking on a highlighted line marker doesn't shift focus to the bottom pane as one might expect.
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I was going to implement a navigation bar under a file contents that will show number of matches and "next", "previous" arrows.
But after your post i see that indeed it also makes sense to have a view that contains only matched lines (like in MultiFind).
I will implement this in near future.
I also agree with stewcam that folder exclusion should be implemented. For example, I would like to exclude FileSearchy's log file and various temp files.
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Folder exclusion is in my to-do list. But not a top priority.
IMO there should be a recognition of matches and there should be a column along with found files which enumerates matches in each found file. It would also be very helpful to see a summary of matches and files found/files searched. For example, the summary "103 matches in 20 files of 35 searched" provides significantly more information than FileSearchy 1.0 provides.
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Some summary is already available in status bar: "Found X objects in Y s".
I'm not able to show number of matches in all the found files because when FileSearchy finds the first match in a file is stops and moves to next file. Scanning for all matches is too excessive and will slow down the search.
As for number of searched files, this seems useful, i will consider adding it somewhere.
Hi Cashper, thanks for responding.
Some type of navigation (if only F3 hotkey) in the content pane would definitely ease the burden of navigating results. I don't have files that are particularly large, but it still quickly gets tedious to click, click, click...just to see the results.
As far as filtered/outline view, my suggestion is that you allow space on both sides of the found text. The only issue I ever had with MultiFind was that the found text was often clipped on the left side (in the Matches tab). So a setting like "allow characters before/after found text" would be very useful.
As to a contents summary, I see the "X objects in X seconds" but was hoping for information about matches. I hadn't realized FileSearchy moves on after the first match because all matches are line-marked and highlighted correctly in the contents pane. BUT if that is the tradeoff (ie. no enumeration of matches) for maintaining the speedy search, then I will gladly choose the speed.
Looking forward to FileSearchy's future!
Hi sajman99,
I think i've implemented what you asked - filtered results for content searches.
Hi Cashper, very nice work.
IMO FileSearchy version 1.1 is much improved with a Matches tab displaying filtered results. Concise information at a glance. :up:
BTW is there any quick navigation between the two tabs? IIRC MultiFind could jump from Matches to an exact location in the File tab. Just wondering as that was quite a nice feature.
Is there a way to rank search results by relevance (e.g. the number of times a search term occurs within a file)?
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