Software > N.A.N.Y. 2014
NANY 2014 Release: ImgFloat (a tool for Screenshot Captor)
@wraith808: thanks for the new version with new configurable options!
btw, currently I think ImgFloat locks the previewed file because I keep getting 'file-in-use' error when I try to delete unless I fully exit ImgFloat. is it possible to have an option to delete the last previewed file without exiting the ImgFloat?
If you close the window, it doesn't release the file? I'll check that! :)
Hey, that's really nice!
It's great to have on-the-fly reference material posted to the screen so easily, with the ability still to see what's happening on the desktop. I know that would have been possible previously by playing with the opacity of various windows but this way is so much better.
Now... how do you plan on enhancing CH+S? ;)
Ok... I need input on an interface peculiarity for a feature.
I want to have the ability to disconnect ImgFloat from SSC for periods of time, i.e. freeze the image. Imagine that you get something for reference, and you want to keep browsing based on that and taking screenshots while keeping your reference up.
It's not hard to implement. But how do I communicate it?
I'm thinking that I will put a checked menu item in the menus, so it's easy to toggle on and off- but I don't know what to call it to adequately communicate what it's for. Any ideas?
I want to have the ability to disconnect ImgFloat from SSC for periods of time, i.e. freeze the image. Imagine that you get something for reference, and you want to keep browsing based on that and taking screenshots while keeping your reference up.
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Since enough people seem to like this feature idea, it might warrant me putting a specific post-capture toggleable menu item in the tray menu for this.
So essential to post-capture i would have a dedicated item for specifying a post-capture "float" commandline tool, and a checkbox to enable or disable it. Then users could enable and disable the post-capture use of that tool.
On the other side of the coin -- if one takes the standpoint that ImgFloat might be desirable as a more generic non-sc tool, there might be some value in having it handle such options..
I've already told wraith that if this tool becomes popular i will inevitably learn from (aka steal) all of it's ideas and built the feature into SC itself. :-\
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