Software > N.A.N.Y. 2014
N.A.N.Y. 2014 Release: Text Inspection & Manipulation Utility
Another issue for TIMU When I paste a list in the input box in Split:
"A Kiss Before Frying" OR "Bittersweet" OR "Brain Doe" OR "Code Blue Plate Special" OR "Crime After Crime" OR "CSI Down" OR "CSI Unplugged" OR "Dead Air" OR "Dead Or Alive" OR "Double Fault" OR "Exile" OR "Forget Me Not" OR "Ghosts of the Past" OR "House of Hoarders" OR "In Vino Veritas" OR "It Was a Very Good Year" OR "Kitty" OR "Last Woman Standing" OR "Lost and Found"
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and put " OR " (space+OR+space) as the separator string, it does not split "Dead Or Alive" regardless of the Ignore Case toggle. It does not split it if i put " or " either regardless of the toggle. It always splits "Dead Or Alive" (and only that one) if i put " Or " regardless of the Ignore Case toggle.
-DyNama (May 03, 2014, 10:20 PM)
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As absurd as it sounds: I'm afraid it's not easy to fix and I have to postpone it to some other time. I'm using C# string.Split() which doesn't offer ignoring case, so I'd have to implement my own algorithm to fix that.
I think the most needed feature would currently be storing parameters between sessions and when changing between individual text manipulations.
That was a note to self by the way.
I'm using C# string.Split() which doesn't offer ignoring case
-phitsc (May 04, 2014, 04:22 PM)
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How does the following look?
I'm using C# string.Split() which doesn't offer ignoring case
-phitsc (May 04, 2014, 04:22 PM)
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How does the following look?
-ewemoa (May 05, 2014, 01:20 AM)
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Thanks for the suggestion :Thmbsup:
I think it would be a good option except that it might be annoying when trying to split with a string which is a regex but you want it to be taken literally (well, not a problem if you know about regexes).
New release:
* Added Search & Replace - Highlight word multiplication
* Added Web - Twitter
* Added List - Trim to size
Just saw that the line trimming is not quite correct though. I think my algorithm that calculates the line length takes the space after the word into account for the line length check (although the space is removed later before the append-text is appended). Will have to fix this some other time :(
-phitsc (May 04, 2014, 04:19 PM)
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Fantastic! Thanx!
I found a quote to try out Web | Twitter:
People say I am the king of painful shoes. I don't want to create painful shoes, but it is not my job to create something comfortable. I try to make high heels as comfortable as they can be, but my priority is design, beauty and sexiness. I'm not against them, but comfort is not my focus. ~Christian Louboutin░
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and like you say, if i dont put a space at the end, "Louboutin ", that last word is omitted. This is not a problem.
People say I am the king of painful shoes. I don't want to create painful shoes, but it is not my job to create something comfortable. I ►
try to make high heels as comfortable as they can be, but my priority is design, beauty and sexiness. I'm not against them, but comfort ►
is not my focus. ~Christian Louboutin
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