Software > Coding Snacks
WebCam Detector
I have fixed the error. Please download and try again. :-[
All good now! :Thmbsup:
Thanks so much - I appreciate your work! I also use your Start Volume Snack to control the level of sound at startup from my Calendar Voice - works like charm! :Thmbsup:
As I said, I don't have a webcam so I don't know if this is relevant.
When I ran it, it did appear in the tray ... kind of ...
Should there be an icon associated with it?
The only indication I get that it's there is if I right-click on the blank spot, then I get the menu.
OK, a bit more testing ...
I tried Check Status and I've got some good news :D and some bad news :rip:
First the good news: the icon appeared
And the bad news:
I don't have a webcam
Oh yeah, Win7HP x64, (more info: there are no Imaging Devices listed under Device Manager but I do have a analog TV card I use for tape transfer, ie. it's a video capture device).
Works OK on my WinXP Pro x86 and WHS2011 x64 machines, (except for the part of actually connecting a webcam).
Hmm, I wonder if it's time I reinstalled Windows?
I don't have a webcam
--- End quote ---
You do now! :greenclp:
c.gingerich is more clever than we knew! ;)
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