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Separate out and move files to subfolders

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Skwire, can you weigh in on the differences between this and Files2Folders? They're suddenly sounding similar-TaoPhoenix (November 12, 2013, 09:11 AM)
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 :huh:  At their core, yes, both move files into a new folder/folders but, really, I don't think they're similar.

* Files2Folder lets you right-click a (typically small) selection of files and it moves them into a new folder.  Very few options are given.
* The request in this thread was something that could take any number of files (120,000 was the original request) in a folder and group them into new folders based on a given number of files per folder.  Many sorting options are given along with the option to copy or move.  F2F only moves files.

Both programs are gems.  As are so many others created here.

At their core, yes, both move files into a new folder/folders but, really, I don't think they're similar.
-skwire (November 12, 2013, 11:29 AM)
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Any comments on the "move mechanic internals" how it gets processed? So when you for ex balance out the same number of files to be procesed as F2F, I'm confused why his seems to work and you version was hitting glitches, when as an end-user the resulting goal was the same.

I'm confused why his seems to work and you version was hitting glitches-TaoPhoenix (November 12, 2013, 08:49 PM)
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I'm not certain you ever got F2F installed properly on your computer.

I'm confused why his seems to work and you version was hitting glitches-TaoPhoenix (November 12, 2013, 08:49 PM)
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I'm not certain you ever got F2F installed properly on your computer.
-skwire (November 13, 2013, 12:22 AM)
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One leads to the other. I installed and unstalled it about five times. I wonder if it has to do with shell hooks vs whatever Chris is using.


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