Software > Find And Run Robot
FARR V3 Discussion
How about Launching Windows Apps (Edge, etc)? Will it be in V3 or will it make it to FARR before that? Mouser, you said like 6 months ago that this feature was coming in soon. :-)
Yes I am going to add that very soon -- I have a few more minor bugs I need to fix in FARR as well.. I apologize for the delay -- I've just been very busy focusing on the new website upgrade.
How about Launching Windows Apps (Edge, etc)? Will it be in V3 or will it make it to FARR before that? Mouser, you said like 6 months ago that this feature was coming in soon. :-)
-joes_garage (October 19, 2017, 03:08 PM)
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I thought it was possible to launch Win10 Apps with FARR already, no?
Apps normally seem to have to be be loaded by the Windows Explorer Shell, which I find to be a pain.
Take MS Edge, for example.
Open the FARR window, Type/paste this string:
run shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge
- into the FARR search box, and then press Enter.
MS Edge will load.
Open the FARR window again, and repeat the type/paste of the string:
run shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge
The first search result will be the same string that you just entered previously.
Select this result and Right-Click it, choosing Add to Group Alias, then select New Alias Keyword/Group..
You can then add this as a new alias. (You can call it whatever you want, but I used $Edge)
You will see that FARR will have interpreted and recorded the string slightly differently, as:
shellexec shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge
Right-Clicking the same result will now show the newly-added alias in the menu:
(Was this the sort of thing you were looking for?)
Btw, I like the pyhton idea with making plugins, as it should be fast enough for majority of plugin needs, but easy enough for everyone to tackle a plugin or two.
-skajfes (November 18, 2013, 02:51 AM)
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I like this, too. I don't know C++ at all, but I do know python (even if it's not my favorite language), so I'd be one of the "everyone" who would tackle a plugin or two. I don't know what they'd be, but I like to tinker 8)
Filipe Meira Castro:
Hello, this is an almost 6 years old tread, but still worth looking at!!
At the end, this is the best app ever 8) 8) 8)
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