Software > Find And Run Robot
FARR V3 Discussion
I wanted to throw this out there and see what the thoughts were on FARR v3? Mouser, as we've spoken about, I think there are a few core features that should be thrown into the FARR v3 release.
1. Indexing for faster result display and searching.
2. Network Share Browsing (Not mapped drives, but UNC path such as \\SERVER\Share) while using file/folder browsing.
3. Incorporation of alias launches into the results window (So, if I launch a cpanel alias, I can see it in the recent history)
4. Integration into other DoCo tools (CH+S, SsC, LBC)?
For everyone out there, I am trying to help "persuade" mouser into starting on FARRv3. Indexing the biggest thing I see that could boost the speed with which FARR operates.
What does everyone else think?
Filipe Meira Castro:
FARR is more than really, really great and I agree it can be even better with upgrades like those in place.
For me I would prioritize as:
01. Launch file, Keep FARR opened and Continue searching! - "ctrl+dbl click" launches the file and keeps FARR opened but it should also keep populating results! (not all results are populated instantaneously)
02. Content Search - search for text inside .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .pdf, .txt!
03. Ignore "accents" - add functionality to search accented and not accented files at once (search for "dinamico" and return both "dinĂ¢mico.doc" and "dinamico.txt") - it's quite unpredicted when filenames have accents or not and therefore easy to miss a search.
04. Fuzzy search - so that it may find results that are mistyped.
05. Multithread all searching - to eliminate the occasional delays people experience during searching [from Mouser]
06. Launch file and keep FARR opened but avoid safe-mode - "ctrl+dbl click" is opening apps like word and adobe pdf in safe mode - the shortcut could be changed for "shift+dbl click" or middle mouse button
07. Drag and Drop from desktop into FARR search folder - Drag and drop a file from the desktop into a FARR folder, that is shown on FARR search results, could copy/move the file into that folder (right mouse button drag and drop could open context menu - same as between normal windows folders!)
08. Drag and Drop from FARR into desktop with right click - Drag and drop a file from FARR into the desktop with right mouse button should have the same type of functionality as between windows folders (showing context menu).
09. Rename functionality - "Right click\Shell Context Menu\Rename" does not work! Add rename possibility to FARR!
10. Improved Right Click Context menu - add option to combine "ShellContext Menu" with "FARRContext Menu" - or "ShellContext" submenu could open with mouse-over (same as the "Add to Group Alias" submenu)
11. Indexing - always handy to have a faster system and be able to avoid being so picky with the amount of configured search folders!
12. Costume filetype launcher - option to override Windows settings and to use a costume application to launch files (by use of relative path)
13. Cross-platform - add macOS and Linux support!
14. Allow FARR searching while options window is open - This makes testing easier [from Nod5]
15. Ability to search settings page - "unreal commander" has this in a nice way, maybe something similar in FARR!
16. Ability to identify from which rules / points does an item has - Eg: 50 points for being in folder_x, + 30 points for being in the history, etc...
17. Bring FARR to front when relaunching FARR - Bring FARR to front and avoid message "Only one copy of FARR at the same time" - same as with your SSC app.
18. Toolbar shortcut items with costume icon - add option to select a specific icon instead of using the builtin .exe icon - could be handy to assign an icon to batch file as well!.
19. Double hotkey to start FARR - start FARR hitting twice a hotkey like ctrl, shift or space
01. Toolbar shortcut items with relative path are not showing the icon - "..\Winamp Lite\winamp.exe" launches winamp but it does not show the winamp.exe icon while "c:\sw\Winamp Lite\winamp.exe" does! (it does show relative path icons if FARR is restarted but it will remove them again when clicking "Configure Toolbar" and "OK")
02. Include shortcut text on context menu items - the text "Launch and stay open" should be renamed to "Launch and stay open [CTRL dbl Clk]"
Have a great day
If dreaming is allowed, off the top of my head in no particular order:
* Possibly source code to encourage 3rd party participation, ease burden of single individual, encourage certain kinds of design decisions, etc.
* Developed with tools freely available
* Cross-platform - at least also *NIX, but nice to also target WINE
* Improved multilingual support (e.g. sufficiently Unicode-aware)
* Near-full operation as a library and/or via command line (e.g. for use via 3rd party programs) - might encourage alternate GUIs to be developed
FARR is really great as it is. I can mostly think of some small tweaks here and there. But if forced to think of bigger ideas here are thoughts:
1. If FARR does add indexing then it would be useful to also make search results possible to detach into a separate window with column sorting (time created, filetype, filename, ...) where files can be bulk selected and operated on. Similar to how Everything works. Being able to add shortcuts to such "search views" could also be useful. The short cut would pop up a windows that show all files that match some (perhaps complex) FARR search formula.
2. Many new Windows 8 devices come with touchscreens. I'd like to continue to use FARR once I move to such devices, but I'm not sure what the fastest way to interact with FARR using touch input would be.
1. If FARR does add indexing then it would be useful to also make search results possible to detach into a separate window with column sorting (time created, filetype, filename, ...) where files can be bulk selected and operated on. Similar to how Everything works. Being able to add shortcuts to such "search views" could also be useful. The short cut would pop up a windows that show all files that match some (perhaps complex) FARR search formula.
-Nod5 (November 16, 2013, 11:37 AM)
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Mmm! Sounds nice :)
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