Software > Find And Run Robot
Possible new facility: runas for aliases
the trick I use on the desktop (shift-right-click adds "run as different user" to the context menu) doesn't work in FARR.
-oblivion (November 18, 2019, 09:27 AM)
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Indeed, I didn't know that. The FARR context menu does have the item "Shell context menu" which shows the same context menu you see for the file in Explorer I think, but holding Shift in FARR doesn't have the effect on that menu that it has in Explorer.
A possible second best: you can make a small AutoHotkey script that uses RunAs to run from another user account based on credentials you type in a small GUI popup each time. No credentials permanently stored in plaintext then. But I guess that GUI isn't as secure against other running applications as the the login window from Windows. Depends on how much you trust the computer and programs running on it I suppose.
Another alternative could be a FARR alias that starts a powershell script that asks for user account password and then start the application. Search for "credentials" in this PowerShell manual page.
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