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Animated Map of Girl's Names Throughout the Years

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Arizona Hot:
This post is an experiment. It's an interesting animated gif, but it's 1.06MB in size and I have been burned recently by uploading a big file. So I am testing it out here. If it crashes this thread, nothing much will be lost. A partial sucess, you can download it and view it in your computer, just not here. I guess you can have 8MB of pictures in a post, just not in any one picture.

Animated Map of Girl's Names Throughout the Years

Animated Map of Girl's Names Throughout the Years

Animated Map of Girl's Names Throughout the Years.gif (1086.47 kB. 970x614 - viewed 527 times.)

I love those kinds of maps.

@Arizona Hot: Thanks! Fascinating. A pattern. I want to know more...

Arizona Hot:
I have made a animated GIF out of the Amazing Moon Rotation Video from LRO-HD using the Online converter to animated gif site. It was easy to use, the resulting gif was free, not watermarked, 518 x 518 and everyting I could want; but it is 40MB in size. I couldn't upload it here and doubt I could get Mouser to make an exception. Is anyone here intersted in such a thing? If so, you will have to make your own copy or tell me where I can upload mine. You can't use a YouTube URL(Gifsoup does), so you will have to use a local file. I am going to try uploading the 200 x200 version of Rotating Moon from LRO here. It may be a bit fuzzy, but it is the biggest I think I can put here....Windows says it is 6.4MB in size, but the error message says it is too big. It is the smallest version I have. So, if you want one of them, you will have to try one of the other options.

Arizona Hot:
I am now going to try attaching a 2.14MB animated GIF. If that doesn't work out, you will have to get it using the link.

Pipes - Imgflip


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