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Service Killer for Shutdown?

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This one is inspired by the fact that AppleMobileDeviceSvc and maybe a few others block my machine from shutting down.

So it would be neat if when a shutdown command is triggered, this program kicks in first, and power-bombs said services, and then the shutdown would be "as normal". In a perfect world, you fiddle with the settings but then no dialogs, it "just works" - aka you set the services once in a Settings, not a popup every time "do you want to kill X".

Because it's the same X ones every time.

A bonus feature would be that Adobe Update Reminders only seem to come in *after* I reboot ... but that burned four minutes already! So Adobe would "threaten" ten more minutes of lost time!

How about a batch?

maybe-not-100%-working dummy example Shutdown.cmd:

--- ---@ECHO OFF
net stop AppleMobileDeviceSvc
net stop "another X"
shutdown /s /t 99 /c "shut down by TaoPhoenix"


How about a batch?

maybe-not-100%-working dummy example Shutdown.cmd:

--- ---@ECHO OFF
net stop AppleMobileDeviceSvc
net stop "another X"
shutdown /s /t 99 /c "shut down by TaoPhoenix"-AbteriX (October 09, 2013, 02:03 AM)
--- End quote ---

Hehe. I am a dumb Humanities Birdie. So can you please make into something that I double click and it then sits there?

: )


- create a new text file on your desktop

- open it to edit and enter:

--- ---@ECHO OFF
REM Everything behind the word REM is just a comment
REM Your description, what this batch does goes here...

REM stop this services:
REM (type NET START in a DOS-BOX to see the service names to use here)

NET STOP theNameOfServiceToStop
NET STOP "theNameOfService with blanks to stop"

REM shut down the PC. Enter 'shutdown /?' into a DOS-Box to see all available parameters

REM this is the end, my friend

- save this file with a CMD extension like shutdown.cmd
- double click this batch file and watch your PC shutting down.

I can't guarantee that it will work with your environment and settings...
Maybe you have to right click the batch and choose "Run As Admin" for Vista/Win7 to execute with enough rights.
Perhaps you have to enter a line or two in between to wait before doing the next step, like
PING -n 8 >NUL

Any more questions? Just asks...


This is what I get from however I interpreted your advice:

C:\Documents and Settings\user.NONE-79DB031E3D\Desktop>[copy or print]
'[copy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
System error 1060 has occurred.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

System error 1060 has occurred.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

'[copy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
System error 1060 has occurred.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

System error 1060 has occurred.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

'[copy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
System error 1060 has occurred.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

Win XP if that helps. (Rumored to be slightly grouchy!)


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