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Am I the only person that has a real big problem with software like this?

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Which is why any data collected shouldn't be shared outside the family. ;) What kind of moron would log data and give it to the police?
-Renegade (October 07, 2013, 04:28 AM)
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Okay Renny you're a little fiery, but "moron" is a little harsh.

The US is trying to "batch laws" like:
1. "All kids must be monitored 'For their safety' "
2. "If you don't turn over your kid's location data, you are a criminal".

So when it's not a choice, you're not a "moron". And yes I have seen "Combo Laws" like that all the time in these areas.

Okay Renny you're a little fiery, but "moron" is a little harsh.

The US is trying to "batch laws" like:
1. "All kids must be monitored 'For their safety' "
2. "If you don't turn over your kid's location data, you are a criminal".

So when it's not a choice, you're not a "moron". And yes I have seen "Combo Laws" like that all the time in these areas.
-TaoPhoenix (October 07, 2013, 05:32 AM)
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Moron is harsh? Pfft! Not far enough! It's not YOU turning it over... it's a bunch of moron criminals STEALING the information. ;)

I'm not blaming the victim there. ;)

But yeah, that's pretty disgusting. I'd not heard of any of that legislation before. "All kids must be monitored"? Wow. That's crazy enough. Add in #2 there and holy cripes...

Got a link for any of that? I see truckloads of this out-of-control-police-state stuff all the time, but I'd not heard of that particular bit of insanity.


But yeah, that's pretty disgusting. I'd not heard of any of that legislation before. "All kids must be monitored"? Wow. That's crazy enough. Add in #2 there and holy cripes...

Got a link for any of that? I see truckloads of this out-of-control-police-state stuff all the time, but I'd not heard of that particular bit of insanity.
-Renegade (October 07, 2013, 06:00 AM)
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Not precisely that, but in a quick min search I have these. And this stuff catches my eye so I post a lot of it here.

California school district hires firm to monitor students' social media

Followed by this one with cute reverse flaws that will make you laugh:
'Eraser' law will let California kids scrub online past

Aka "That's Right, Forget Renny Jr. Now take this name down and make sure you scrub it, okay? Renny Jr. And keep that in a nice list where we can ask you if you are complying!" Uh...

A NY Times version of this thread:

Or this:
Kids who skip school are tracked by GPS
"...Seventh- and eighth-graders with four unexcused absences or more this school year are assigned to carry a handheld GPS device, about the size of a cell phone."

So yeah, they are clawing at all that.


Kids who skip school are tracked by GPS
"...Seventh- and eighth-graders with four unexcused absences or more this school year are assigned to carry a handheld GPS device, about the size of a cell phone."
-TaoPhoenix (October 07, 2013, 07:42 AM)
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Dammit! I fell in the river again. Got a new GPS?

Ooops... Spilt gasoline all over myself. Totally soaked my pocket with my GPS in it. Tried to save it, but my cigarette fell on it when I took it out. What? You're angry? You should be happy that I wasn't hurt! Think of the children! :P

The state has ZERO businesses monitoring children.

In my very state, Montclair State University was the first college in the country to require students to purchase a cell phone from the school (it's included in the cost of tuition), even if they already have a cell phone. The purpose of this "school phone" is so campus police can track students via GPS.

It's supposed to be for their own safety....protecting "kids", blah, blah, blah. But as we all know, most college "kids" aren't technically kids any more. They are adults, over the age of 18. When the program started, turning on the GPS was at the student's option, and if they didn't turn it off after 20 minutes, campus police would be dispatched to their location. It's a "safety thing".

They say that a frog in a pot of water doesn't notice it's being cooked to death if you heat the water slowly.

So, the first step is making the phones mandatory to own. Next would be mandatory to carry, then mandatory to have turned on.

And I guess it's no big deal to someone that has been tracked by their parents since birth to continue to be tracked by police, as adults, when they go off to college.


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