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Silk Road Seized - Dread Pirate Roberts Arrested

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Popehat has yet another good write-up on the Federal indictment & complaint that was filed. Read it here.

Worth the read. Learned a few things about how something like this works. For instance, I didn't realize there are actually two separate mechanisms that can be used to charge somebody with a crime under US federal law. Never knew that a 'criminal complaint' and an 'indictment' are two completely separate things. Either one of wihch can land you in court.

Most interesting...
-40hz (October 03, 2013, 10:31 AM)
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Curioser and curioser...

But seriously, from the article:

What's Ulbricht Charged With, Anyway?

The New York complaint charges Ulbricht with three crimes:

1. A conspiracy to...

2. A "computer hacking conspiracy"...

3. A conspiracy to...

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C'mon! Everyone knows there's no such thing as a "conspiracy"! Who are these tin foil hat wearing feds anyways? Sheesh!  :P Pfft. Conspiratards! ;) 8)

If I sell drugs on a site vs if I have a site that people sell drugs is the same to you guys now? there is a slippery slope if doing the former leads to an arrest?

(It has nothing to do with legalization by the way, I am not against that  but have yet to hear how legalization is going to be applied. Every corner store or limited sellers and where exactly those seller are bringing their supply from...)
-rgdot (October 03, 2013, 12:45 PM)
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Example: Someone is using telecommunications to monitor all activity.  They arrest someone based on that activity.  Does that arrest justify the fact that they spied on my innocent communications?

The ends NEVER justify the means.

Teaser: Prohibition is the Morally Reprehensible Part, Not Buying and Selling Drugs
-Renegade (October 03, 2013, 12:33 PM)
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I'm almost suprised that I more or less agree with you & the author here. (Well, 'morally' has nothing to do with it for me.)

I know that the huge majority of people dont want to try heroin/or-whatever-very-addictive-drug-is-on-offer. But also that the people that do use these drugs, are the people that contribute a huge amount to 'everyday' crime levels.

Okay, so let's say we just legalise everything. Should we allow advertising then? You know how our world works....
I dunno, I was just following the idea a little - maybe the question is a bit like - who will build the roads? - but related to regulation. Refer me to a thread explaining anarchy if appropriate ;-)

If I sell drugs on a site vs if I have a site that people sell drugs is the same to you guys now? there is a slippery slope if doing the former leads to an arrest?

(It has nothing to do with legalization by the way, I am not against that  but have yet to hear how legalization is going to be applied. Every corner store or limited sellers and where exactly those seller are bringing their supply from...)
-rgdot (October 03, 2013, 12:45 PM)
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Example: Someone is using telecommunications to monitor all activity.  They arrest someone based on that activity.  Does that arrest justify the fact that they spied on my innocent communications?

The ends NEVER justify the means.
-wraith808 (October 03, 2013, 12:48 PM)
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I already said (anything remotely close to) blanket snooping is wrong (see above).
But how do you think all arrests are made, I mean in other times in history? Take any case from the 20th century or whenever before the current NSA era. Listening to communication to catch bad and evil people has helped and certainly nothing new, not even a 20th century invention.

This is exactly what I am talking. In the face of an evil authoritarian and corporate take over of our world we are doing and saying things that will do nothing to improve the world, just play in the hands of those who want this world this way.

Time for me, once again, to go to the Politburo. Catch you guys later  ;)


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