Teaser: Prohibition is the Morally Reprehensible Part, Not Buying and Selling Drugs
almost suprised that I more or less agree with you & the author here. (Well,
'morally' has nothing to do with it for me.)
I know that the huge majority of people dont want to try heroin/or-whatever-very-addictive-drug-is-on-offer.
But also that the people that do use these drugs, are the people that contribute a huge amount to 'everyday' crime levels.
Okay, so let's say we just legalise
everything. Should we allow advertising then? You know how our world works....
I dunno, I was just following the idea a little - maybe the question is a bit like -
who will build the roads? - but related to regulation. Refer me to a thread explaining anarchy if appropriate ;-)