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PDF Combiner, PDF Binder
I am searching for alternatives to an easy application for compose pdf files , able to merge, split, combine easily in the way you see in this video
I began this post here :
But I haven't found a confortable application for this purpose.
What I would like is a drag and drop alternatives applications able to extract in interactivity, compose , insert, extract, merge, split pdf files. Just in the way you see in the you tube video. Best Regards
This one Ultra PDF Merger v1.3.5 don't have the interactibility required because is a simple linear window where you can insert pdf, while the ideal is a multiple address window where any pdf is initially split in pages and then you are able with the drag and drop system to group, ungroup pages, move pages from one pdf to another, etc.
This one PDF Split Merge Extract don't offer a friendship environment and you have to elucubrate the way you want the final pdf, not in an interactive and simple drag and drop system. Not with enough flexibility.
Adobe Acrobat utility PDF Binder is not enough flexible and quick
Offer additionally the possibility to merge from doc and xls, but not deeply inside just because uses a plane matrix o linear matrix. You can change the order the files are inserted, but not select a part of each one component like in the you tube video of the first post.
Another example of a complicated program with no what you see is what you get way :
Advanced PDF Combiner 1.8
Offer a complicated window with multiple options you decide and limit to two pdf.
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