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Did Microsoft put a mole in Nokia?

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^Fortunately Qt is available under both GPL and LGPL (plus a commercial license) depending upon how nicely you want to play with others and how much you want to keep for yourself.

Since the FOSS world operates under open licenses it wouldn't have much mattered since you can't rescind a GPL or LGPL after the fact no matter who currently 'owns' Qt.

I should have put my thoughts on paper, when his move to Nokia was announced :-\
-Ath (September 14, 2013, 01:37 PM)
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I wish you did. It would have saved me the effort of making this post to begin with. ;D :Thmbsup:
-40hz (September 14, 2013, 01:50 PM)
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Heh we already did over at Slashdot!

But curses my family for trying to bring me up with "family values"! Clearly I didn't get the "real point" of my business degree!

Most moles aren't the CEO.

So this is a new spin - like an Uber Trojan Horse.

And this is the Snowden Age. (I just made that up!) So if "we/they" really want to, someone can post a leak. That level of epic company destruction can't stay silent forever.

^Fortunately Qt is available under both GPL and LGPL (plus a commercial license) depending upon how nicely you want to play with others and how much you want to keep for yourself.

Since the FOSS world operates under open licenses it wouldn't have much mattered since you can't rescind a GPL or LGPL after the fact no matter who currently 'owns' Qt.
-40hz (September 14, 2013, 05:36 PM)
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Yes, you are correct, the open source stuff would remain untouched, but managing the project and the commercial side of Qt would have changed management hands, and THAT would have been disastrous, I predict.  Thank God for forks...


We need a new category.

Moles are usually Snowden types. Sending your guy as a CEO to crush a company is a new move!


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