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A School System goes NSA-Lite
Anytime you hear "It's for the children", listen to, or remember this:
The Peoples Rebublick of California has always had that weird tendency to oscillate between the counter-culture and the police state mindset. One week it's talking like Michael Murphy. The next week - Joe Friday.
And I think TaoP's prediction it's going to whip around rather quickly is spot on. Especially since California can change its political posture quicker than a frightened chameleon can swap colors, and the CA court system still has enough anti-establishment spleen left over from the 60s to not let this nonsense go very far before putting a stop to it.
At the root, I think half these "initiatives" by public school administrators (who or NOT educators) are little more than cynical attempts at grandstanding and to to get some advance CYA in play.
Positing a completely abusive and unworkable "solution" to a "problem" that is doomed to be overruled is the perfect excuse. Because now, should anything happen, the school administration can whine "See? We soooo tried to do something to protect the children!!! But we were overruled by those nasty judges who just don't understand the challenges facing parents who want their children educated - but can't be bothered to do anything themselves to help raise them. IT'S NOT OUR FAULT!"
^^ I guess that's what you get when it's a prerequisite that someone be found to blame. :(
Positing a completely abusive and unworkable "solution" to a "problem" that is doomed to be overruled is the perfect excuse. Because now, should anything happen, the school administration can whine "See? We soooo tried to do something to protect the children!!! But we were overruled by those nasty judges who just don't understand the challenges facing parents who want their children educated - but can't be bothered to do anything themselves to help raise them. IT'S NOT OUR FAULT!"
-40hz (September 11, 2013, 05:32 AM)
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This. :mad:
^ You're devious... I love it! ;D
But this is a classic use of FUD to sow the ground for other uses. You know... it's for the children. Do I even need to post a link to that Carlin skit again?
-wraith808 (September 10, 2013, 08:42 PM)
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Heh I actually don't know the skit! :tellme:
But it's yet more ammo if I ever get the nerve to spend 88 hours on a visual graphic, it will be a list-based "let's strip new rights today" generator. Mad Libs for Orwell.
And Ren no, it's not safety, it's "safety". you of course know the difference. But between social media and this and the copyright gang and 7 others, the Powers are getting bolder. They always did mean crap, but they at least sorta saved it for the real criminals.
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