Software > Cheat Sheeter
New Program Idea: Cheat Sheeter
you could try here, mouser...
:( just be carefull of all the popups whilst you are at it.
(just clicked on the link myself and no popups appeared 2nd time around ????????)
sounds cool ovehal, i look forward to hearing more about your system;
sounds like the kind of things that it might be useful to implement in find+run robot.
-mouser (June 09, 2005, 12:53 AM)
--- End quote ---
Ridiculous late answer, but I should just make it a little better and just translate it and just...:-)
Anyway check out Wis Shortcut at:
Best regards
Cool idea, mouser!
May I suggest an enhancement, possibly for version 2.0?
The company I used to work for made a toolbar component for programmers to add toolbars to their applications. Part of the design-time interface for this component was a "menu copier" tool. You could point it at an application and it would "walk" the app's menu structure, duplicating the layout of the menu items and sub-items in the proprietary format used by the component.
Maybe it would be possible to add support for an "auto cheat sheet builder" using similar functionality. (This is kind of similar to reading the application's INI file that was suggested, but goes in through the front door instead of the back.) The util could walk the menu structure looking for any stand-alone letter (such as O for Open) or group of letters beginning with "Ctrl-" or "Shift-". It could then build a basic cheat sheet that contained the menu text plus the hot key.
Just my 2 cents. Keep up the good work & thanks! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for this one!
PS - I hope you keep the ability to use the Win key as part of the hotkey combo to display the cheat sheet. It is under-used, and less likely to conflict with either an application or system-wide hotkey than a Ctrl-Alt or Ctrl-Shift hotkey would be.
hello, hello. anyone there?
i'd like to remind everyone - or introduce you to this thread.
cheat sheeter still remains a brilliant idea - yet to be fully realised - so let's see if we can get things moving again.
Perhaps if someone could make a dummy image mockup? That might give a better framework for us to craft helpful ideas.
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