None of that sounds like state sponsored propaganda to me.
We're unlikely to agree on some things there. Have you ever skimmed though "Manufacturing Consent" or "The Engineering of Consent"? (Chomsky and Bernays, respectively.) (I've already blithered on about my skepticism of the media in general. I'm only slightly more skeptical of NPR reporting. More blathering to follow below.

The neutral tone of NPR is a refreshing departure from the utter drivel and gnashing of teeth that you get in the MSM, but it's still state run media. The content of any particular discussion on NPR is generally irrelevant - that they are framing the discussion is the important part. Demographics make a big difference here. Your average "beer, football & reality TV" zombie doesn't listen to (or watch) NPR. NPRs audience, well, nuff said.
If it were, the interviewer would have attempted to make Gellman look like a ring-tailed baboon with rapid-fire leading questions and inference tossing like the neo-con talk show hosts so love to do.
I don't know why people always go on about the "neo-con talk show hosts" being douches. Sure, Rush Limbaugh has a solid douchebaggery score. So do other right-aligned commentators. But why does nobody ever point out the douchebaggery of the left-aligned commentators? Well, except for a few. It's consistent through a lot of media, and even in "right" media like Fox sometimes.
Here are a few examples of leftist commentators that really just go way the heck off into Lala-land.
MSNBC - Melissa Harris-Perry (wants to kidnap children). Alex Wagner (can't not ask a leading question to save her life).
ABC - Whoopi Goldberg (exercising rights is "terrorism" - I'm not making that up).
CNN - Piers Morgan (oh god... makes Alex Wagner look tame).
We could go on and on. They're extremely dishonest, if not delusionally insane.
It's not left/right media that's dishonest - it's all of them.
Now, to NPR's credit, there is pretty much none of the crap that you get with Limbaugh, Morgan, or the rest of the MSM. This makes NPR much less entertaining. e.g. It's pretty hard to top the insane drivel that comes out of Melissa Harris-Perry's mouth, which makes for a good laugh if you don't end up vomiting and bashing your head against the wall.
Neo-con or neo-liberal - which flavour of turd would you like?
In general, I think it's good to get a solid balance of turds in your diet. One pollutes your pallet with a different set of pathogens so you don't get bored of always having crappy meals.