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Vocab tune-up

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then this from doghouse diaries today...

Vocab tune-up

perhaps I should be posting in the 'what annoys me no end' thread :huh:

a saying that I picked up somewhere along the line, "even if you were using perfect english, who would know it?" 

"even if you were using perfect english, who would know it?" 
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Spot on!

"even if you were using perfect english, who would know it?" 
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Spot on!
-kyrathaba (September 23, 2013, 09:56 AM)
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English grammar in textbooks is polluted with Latin grammar. That makes for some rough learning.

"Smoothing" is a linguistic process where words and grammar change. This makes for even rougher learning.

English is a very young language, and isn't very smooth, although there is some smoothing going on right now.

For example, "There's 23 replies in this thread so far." That uses incorrect textbook grammar, but is becoming more popular (part of linguistic smoothing). The grammatically correct version is, "There're 23 replies in this thread so far."

(Number agreement is a pet peeve of mine. Just how hard is it to know the difference between 1 and any other number?)

Grammar is more important than most people think. It is the basis of all contracts and really needs some attention from more than just most people.

I completely concur regarding the importance of grammar.


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