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Vocab tune-up

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Language doesn't get dumbed down. I realize no one has actually said that, but it seems to be the general implication.

Meanings change over time to reflect what people are actually communicating. That's not only normal, it's the entire purpose of language in the first place. Words don't have any meaning beyond what we assign to them. Likewise the purpose of a dictionary is not to dictate meaning but rather to facilitate understanding. If the dictionary doesn't reflect the ideas people are communicating it ceases to be useful or relevant.

As to simplicity, the average person knows around 10,000 words in their native tongue but only actually uses around 10% of those in regular conversation. That's not because of intelligence (not entirely anyway) but because a smaller set of words makes for more effective communication on a number of levels.

I couldn't cut my vocabulary down that far, but for most people it's actually a good thing.

Stoic Joker:
I guess the negativity is to do with the dumbing down of language (and entertainment, and maybe even life in general...).
-tomos (August 29, 2013, 08:04 AM)
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+1 - Nailed it!

Sorry Vurbal, tomos and I are changing the meanings of a few words to allow for "properly" conveying the English language's newly acquired level of dumber-ness.  :D

I guess the negativity is to do with the dumbing down of language (and entertainment, and maybe even life in general...).
-tomos (August 29, 2013, 08:04 AM)
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+1 - Nailed it!

Sorry Vurbal, tomos and I are changing the meanings of a few words to allow for "properly" conveying the English language's newly acquired level of dumber-ness.  :D
-Stoic Joker (August 29, 2013, 12:06 PM)
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I'd love to see how you measure that.  :P

Stoic Joker:
I guess the negativity is to do with the dumbing down of language (and entertainment, and maybe even life in general...).
-tomos (August 29, 2013, 08:04 AM)
--- End quote ---

+1 - Nailed it!

Sorry Vurbal, tomos and I are changing the meanings of a few words to allow for "properly" conveying the English language's newly acquired level of dumber-ness.  :D
-Stoic Joker (August 29, 2013, 12:06 PM)
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I'd love to see how you measure that.  :P
-Vurbal (August 29, 2013, 01:13 PM)
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Why using the formula you gave us earlier in another post of course!
2 + 2 = fish


I guess the negativity is to do with the dumbing down of language (and entertainment, and maybe even life in general...).
-tomos (August 29, 2013, 08:04 AM)
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+1 - Nailed it!

Sorry Vurbal, tomos and I are changing the meanings of a few words to allow for "properly" conveying the English language's newly acquired level of dumber-ness.  :D
-Stoic Joker (August 29, 2013, 12:06 PM)
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I'd love to see how you measure that.  :P
-Vurbal (August 29, 2013, 01:13 PM)
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Why using the formula you gave us earlier in another post of course!
2 + 2 = fish

-Stoic Joker (August 29, 2013, 03:46 PM)
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You got me there. I can't very well argue with that reasoning.  :D

But now I know who was foolish enough to read it  :o


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