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Vocab tune-up

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I completely concur regarding the importance of grammar.
 (see attachment in previous post)
-kyrathaba (September 23, 2013, 11:02 AM)
--- End quote ---

I love that pic!  :Thmbsup:

Vocab tune-up

^it's amazing the number of people who use words without really thinking - what does this mean exactly (or even roughly). Or write articles without defining terms.
examplea prize example being the word 'spirituality'. Related Wikipedia page starts "The term spirituality lacks a definitive definition ..."; yet, it is very commonly used without any attempt at definition. (It's not an on-topic word for dc, hence the spoilers.)


spoilerIt's a good example in ways: he'd have to shoot the complete population of Ireland for the way they pronounce 'H' ;-)

Haven't heard that one about ignorami vs. ignoramuses before...

Stephen Fry has a great essay on language pedants: summarized in an article here:

Or read the entire treatise here:

In the article on his page - the second link above - the part about pedantry is at least halfway down the page.



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