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SSC 4.5 options GUI font INCREDIBLY small

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Don't think I'm misunderstanding anything.  Just responding to suggestions that my higher than default DPI setting had something to do w/ small font (messed up font, SSC couldn't cope scaling, what ever) in SSC Options.  It didn't / doesn't.  Someone's gotta make up their mind.

Worstje said he had a 24 in. monitor, sat > arms length from monitor & Options font was like reading N.Y. Times Headline (paraphrasing).
Which is it - the Options GUI font looks BIG on large, high res screens, or SMALL?  I'm not changing the resolution on an expensive monitor to suit one apps' GUI because it wasn't developed like most all other apps'  options / preference screens.  That would be really stupid - spend good money on a high res, HD monitor then turn it into a low res monitor.

Is that really what you think should be done to make the Options font on par w/ other apps?  Or should the dev correct it so it uses reasonable size & style font, like most every other app?  See the other screens I posted.  They're all on the same monitor, at same resolution & same DPI.  They're quite readable.  SSC isn't, because it needs work.  My monitor isn't the problem (apparently, as other apps look fine).

After resetting Windows to 96 DPI, rechecked PicPick / GreenShot Options screens.  They're a bit smaller than before, but STILL WAY easier to read than SSC.

-cathie28 (August 26, 2013, 07:46 PM)
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It sounds like you're misunderstanding the options in Windows. The DPI setting doesn't change the dot pitch (size of pixels / number of DPI). In fact if you're using a flat panel monitor nothing can change the dot pitch. It's fixed at the monitor's native (highest) resolution. It can simulate lower resolutions, but unless they're exact multiples of the horizontal and/or vertical native resolution there will be some blurring. If it's a CRT monitor you can lower the actual resolution. In either case you need to do that in the options for adjusting resolution, not DPI.

-Vurbal (August 26, 2013, 10:19 PM)
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The Windows DPI thing is a weird monstrosity. The original design was for it to be flexible so that things would always be the same physical size, but pretty close to the beginning it got 'rusted' stuck in the default. (Probably because flexible UI and pretty UI are hard, especially so in those low-resolution beginnings.) In other words, it pretty much never 'matches' any hardware intentionally in the world that we know.

Changing the Windows DPI setting does not change the resolution; the amount of pixels outputted and put onto your monitor should be the same regardless. If you play with the DPI setting, the only thing that seems to really change nowadays are the sizes of fonts, because those are the only visual thing that was 'designed' with DPI in mind. (Except in certain cases like SSC, where that DPI is not taken into consideration.)

Calling it a 'DPI setting' nowadays is honestly really confusing, because it has little to do with any physical DPI anymore. The fact only very select elements can be trusted to grow/shrink along with changes to it only makes it more awkward. There is honestly one thing it is good for nowadays, and that is what cathie28 is using it for: increasing the size of fonts without needing to change the resolution.... assuming programs listen! :-(

hi Cathie, I only skimmed the thread but didnt see anywhere the size of your monitor?

Looking at your 1st screen of SSC Options, font size in the SCREEN you posted is almost 2x my actual GUI font size (easily 1.75x).  If you're actual SSC Options font really is that big, I'd be fine w/ it.  How do I get
I use a 1920x1080 HD - LED monitor.  Set Windows DPI @ 110 to make fonts on most screens plenty big.
-cathie28 (August 26, 2013, 04:02 PM)
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The screenshots you post and Vurbal's have exactly the same font size - but the odd thing is that his looks a *lot* clearer.

I took two screenshots -
first is comparing my options window and your's in post #1
second is comparing Vurbal's in reply #2 and mine

Vurbal's screenshot is *much* clearer than our options-shots. As I say I only skimmed the thread - did I miss something or could it be something like his clear type settings.

SSC 4.5 options GUI font INCREDIBLY small

SSC 4.5 options GUI font INCREDIBLY small

FWIW, if mouser isn't going to change it in the near future, I guess your only option to increase the font is a magnifier. In Win7 the Winkey with '+' or '-' is an easy way to zoom. Dunno if that works in Vista.

hi Cathie, I only skimmed the thread but didnt see anywhere the size of your monitor?

Looking at your 1st screen of SSC Options, font size in the SCREEN you posted is almost 2x my actual GUI font size (easily 1.75x).  If you're actual SSC Options font really is that big, I'd be fine w/ it.  How do I get
I use a 1920x1080 HD - LED monitor.  Set Windows DPI @ 110 to make fonts on most screens plenty big.
-cathie28 (August 26, 2013, 04:02 PM)
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The screenshots you post and Vurbal's have exactly the same font size - but the odd thing is that his looks a *lot* clearer.

I took two screenshots -
first is comparing my options window and your's in post #1
second is comparing Vurbal's in reply #2 and mine

Vurbal's screenshot is *much* clearer than our options-shots. As I say I only skimmed the thread - did I miss something or could it be something like his clear type settings.

-tomos (August 27, 2013, 03:14 AM)
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I have ClearType turned off completely so yeah, that's probably it.

Yes, that is indeed ClearType at work. ClearType basically uses knowledge of the physical layout of subpixels (the red, green and blue components that give a normal pixel its color) to emphasize the weight of letters. This is why, when you take a screenshot and zoom in on the pixels, the edges tend to be frayed with dull reddish, greenish or blueish shades.


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