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Ballmer Stepping Down

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Holy crap... Ballmer made over $800 million from announcing his retirement!


When I read the title, my first thought was, well, this:

Shares in Microsoft jump 9% after the software giant announces that chief executive Steve Ballmer will retire within the next 12 months. (BBC)
-joiwind (August 23, 2013, 10:23 AM)
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I had to read it to believe it!
-Renegade (August 23, 2013, 06:26 PM)
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"Truth is a little bird singing in a tree. And it smells awful." :P

Apparently Wall Street and the analysts have spoken. Let Ballmer try to browbeat and bully those guys. ;D

Holy crap... Ballmer made over $800 million from announcing his retirement!
-Renegade (August 24, 2013, 05:22 AM)
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Oh well. I guess what comes around goes around - even when it's not deserved. :-\

Seems WilliamBanzai7 has a tribute to ol' Ballmer. :)

MICORSOFT TITANIC by WilliamBanzai7/Colonel Flick, on Flickr


The next guy will make Windows 9 open source



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