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printer to repair or not repair

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Logic boards, fusers and transfer units (in many models), and other things that can be got at with a screwdriver, pulled from the case, and readily swapped for a new assembly in the field are fine. Disassembling and reassembling anything beyond that has seldom (in my experience) worked out very well for the customer.-40hz (September 10, 2013, 06:06 AM)
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LOL ...Rule of thumb...that I honestly do believe is actually carved in a piece of rock somewhere... IT people, hate printers. Possibly because they are also the primary impetus behind having to interact with users. [/BOFH mode off]
-Stoic Joker (September 10, 2013, 07:34 AM)
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Stoic got me! Busted! Guilty as charged. (And proud of it, dude!) ;D

More seriously, printers provided and maintained under contract do work out quite well if you do volume in a business setting. Around where I am I've been very happy with Ricoh (direct) and their Aficio line of multifunction office printers, and one small local specialist company for everything else printerly.  

Hardware as a service anyone? Works for me when it comes to printers! :Thmbsup:


@SJ - it's not merely carved in rock. I'll have you know it's etched on a tablet of the finest Venetian marble and the letters gilded with pure gold. On Friday nights pizzas are offered to it in sacrifice by BOFHs the world over in thanks for not having to come in over the weekend and ditz with some lizard-suit's office printer because he/she decided to "get some work done" Sunday morning - mainly with the goal of banking some brownie points with their boss.

Sound familiar?

What usually follows...

Carefully rotate the fuser assembly and push it back down.
If inserted correctly it will glide in smoothly and lock into place.
Ignore any flickering sparks, or tinkly music you may be hearing.
Sparks and music are normal, and to be expected during this step.

Stoic Joker:
Crap,I can't resist...while we're on the off topic:
BOFH: Don't be afraid - we won't hurt your delicate, flimsy inkjet printer

It all reminds me of this: (Warning: NSFW >:D)

 8) ;D


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