Other Software > Developer's Corner
Is it appropriate to post a prospective page for opinions?
Imho, both mouser and Renegade have interesting take on features and usefulness.
My take is very simple for consumer software: a piece of software must be useful (it has to reach certain threshold for its usefulness) and simplicity.
And I fully agree that most consumers don't think as we do (we're conditioned by logical thinking by our years-and-years of programming).
^I can't speak for the "average user," having never met one even once in my life. But FWIW, I like seeing a fairly complete list of features when I'm shopping for software. Maybe not right up front when I browse to the landing page. But I definitely want to see a link that points to a complete feature list somewhere without having to look too hard for it.
The other thing I like to be able to find quickly is the asking price.
There are a lot of people who seem to think that putting off disclosing their price sheet until the last possible moment is a sharp sales strategy. It isn't. It's just annoying.
There are a lot of people who seem to think that putting off disclosing their price sheet until the last possible moment is a sharp sales strategy. It isn't. It's just annoying.
-40hz (July 21, 2013, 10:55 AM)
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My rule of thumb is that if there's no price on it, I can't afford it. Then I move one.
My thoughts
Current: Gradient with blue fading into white doesn't look appealing at all. The social icons are covering the logo, not a good idea.
Index5-2: If the red text is supposed to capture the attention fine but then text under them ("All your notes in one place, convenience + time saving", etc.) should also be a different color without having a different background color.
Index5: Probably my choice but the background of "No!" and "Yes" shouldn't be white and in my opinion should match the rest of the page background.
My rule of thumb is that if there's no price on it, I can't afford it. Then I move on-Renegade (July 21, 2013, 01:10 PM)
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