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Swapping Out Software?

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Has anyone recently abandoned any software in favour of another piece of software?

I'm in the SLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWW process of swapping out Skype in favour of Jitsi for obvious reasons. But, I figure that it's a kind of generic process for one reason or another, and figured that it might be interesting to see what people are using now.

With Jitsi, it's a matter of convincing people to stop using Skype, get Jitsi and an XMPP account. Not easy. I'm still using Skype more than Jitsi, which is frustrating as there are a number of things I'd like to talk to a few people about, but... need them on board as well.

So? Anyone?

As I haven't the skills required for serious programming I've relied on various "languages" for scripting stuff. A bit of BASIC, some Rex, a smattering of Python etc. Over the past year or so I've switched to AHK_L for that kind of thing.

If Adobe doesn't amend its cloud-only subscription policy I'll be switching from Creative Suite to the first competitor to include the features that I want (I suspect that will take a while to occur).

That's a hard thing to do- especially with software that others use that you depend on, like skype.  It's just a slow process... I mean, look at the adoption of word and how long it took (is taking) to get people to see alternatives.

If Adobe doesn't amend its cloud-only subscription policy I'll be switching from Creative Suite to the first competitor to include the features that I want (I suspect that will take a while to occur).
-cranioscopical (July 18, 2013, 08:45 AM)
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That's a good example.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm willing to deal with fewer features and less functionality and a bit of a learning curve *IF* I can switch to a GPL or FLOSS program. I've got CS5, but will never upgrade beyond that. For cloud stuff, I'm absolutely not interested in the least unless I can run it on my own servers.

That's a hard thing to do- especially with software that others use that you depend on, like skype.  It's just a slow process... I mean, look at the adoption of word and how long it took (is taking) to get people to see alternatives.
-wraith808 (July 18, 2013, 08:48 AM)
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Yup. I don't ever plan on buying any cloud office silliness, and fully plan on moving to Libre Office once I have time to finish testing some specific functionality that I need. Almost there...

Yup. I don't ever plan on buying any cloud office silliness, and fully plan on moving to Libre Office once I have time to finish testing some specific functionality that I need. Almost there...
-Renegade (July 18, 2013, 08:59 AM)
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By any rights, that cloud office thing should have been the nail in Microsoft's coffin.  But there are too many people who still think that Microsoft is never the wrong choice...


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