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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

License Key BS

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DonationCoder is a community - not just a 'free software' site. -40hz (June 30, 2013, 07:15 AM)
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-when you're right, you're right.

I tried to lent him a hand - but he didn't grab it.

The license key stuff is a bit annoying and confusing, there is no denying that.  We only ask that you put up with it until we find a better way to do things that encourages donations while keeping the software free.

Maybe you could include the first key in the registration validation email?  Accompanied, of course, with the appropriate verbage and additional links.

MAYBE what he really was saying is that under certain circumstances it is too difficult for a new visitor to navigate the site. -Curt (June 30, 2013, 05:02 AM)
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  I think what he was saying is that it's not easy enough for file leeches....  ::)

I've said it before, i'll say it again -- as the person who created the license key procedure -- i completely understand the frustration and the desire to post and complain about it.  I am one of those people with very short frustration fuse and i'm guessing that i would be one of those people posting and complaining if i visited a site like DonationCoder and just wanted to download and use some software.

So, i have nothing but sympathy for those who get frustrated by DC procedure for license keys.

I just hope people will understand after some thought that we are doing our best to balance some tricky issues that have no easy answers.  As long as we are committed both to raising money from end user donations and keeping our software free, we must accept that things are going to be a little wonky (see this article about DonationCoder for why).


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