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Newsletter for Mar 26, 2013 - Codename: Major Updates
Newsletter for March 26, 2013"Codename: Major Updates!"
1. Newsletter Editorial
Greetings readers, and welcome to another edition of the DonationCoder newsletter.
March is typically the month we hold our annual fundraiser -- so normally in this newsletter I would be asking you to visit the site and make a donation to support us. However, while the site has been busy in the last year -- with our regular big NANY (New Apps for the New Year) programming event held in January, and a major new release of one of our more popular applications (more about that in a minute) -- it just didn't feel right asking for your support while we haven't made more progress on the long planned upgrade of the website. Let's hope we have a reason to celebrate that next year.
But I do have something I want to ask for your help with.
The sending of this newsletter coincides with a major new release, version 4, of my program, Screenshot Captor, and the new release is filled with tons of new features. If you haven't tried it yet, now would be a perfect time to do so (big thank yous to DC member Carroll D. (hamradio) for creating a ton of beautiful new icons for the program, and app103, for creating a bunch of great new clipart which is included with the program).
Screenshot Captor has consistently been one of the more popular and well-reviewed programs on the website. It's also the program that I most frequently receive commercial-site-license inquiries about. The policy here at DonationCoder has always been that our software is free for personal use (and free for individuals using for work), but that we ask larger companies to purchase commercial site licenses. And while we've sold commercial site licenses is the past, we've never done a good job of explaining our commercial site licensing policies or had a dedicated page explaining them.
That is now changing. I've created a dedicated commercial site license landing page complete with prices for high-volume site licenses, and a description of the benefits of choosing DonationCoder software for commercial business use. I'm requesting your help in spreading the word about our new commercial site-licenses. If you know a medium or large organization that you think would be interested in purchasing a commercial site-license for any of our software programs, or might be interested in hiring us for custom development, please point them to our commercial site license page.
In addition to the major Screenshot Captor update, I've also released a new major version of my Multi Photo Quotes screensaver, which is now capable of extracting and displaying random frames and subtitles from video files (perfect for movie buffs or home videographers), a medium sized update to my popular URL Snooper application, and minor update to my Desktop Coral and Easy Screencast Recorder tools. Details below.
2. Official DonationCoder News and Updates
Summarizing the major official updates on the site:
* Screenshot Captor Major New Release: Version 4
* New DonationCoder Commercial Site Licensing Page: Policies and Prices
* Multi Photo Quotes Screensaver - Release v2.0 Now with video file support
* URL Snooper version 2.32
* Easy Screencast Recorder v1.09
* Desktop Coral v1.11
* So, when are the next shareware discounts?
3. User-to-User: Your Input Requested
We love nothing more than having interesting discussions on our forum -- and we love when new people participate in the discussions. In each newsletter we try to highlight a few topics that we think might interest casual readers and that are good candidates for making your first post.
* Gadget Weekends - What are your favorite gadgets?
* Mid-range DSLR Camera Recommendations
* What are your favorite movies?
* Show us a picture of your.. CAR!!!
* Headset recommendations
* In Car Gadgets & Doodads
* 2013 Browser Wars: What web browser do you use?
* Suggestions for low vision problems while working on a computer
4. Coding Snacks, Mini-Reviews, and DC Member Projects
We love to keep up with projects that our members are working on, and hearing what our forum members think of software they use.
* Qiqqa - Reference Management System - Mini-Review
* Mini review of Helpinator 3.10
* Screenshot Captor - Post your SC Clipart Requests Here
* Using MyImgur as upload tool in Screenshot Captor
* RealWorld Paint 2013.1
* GridMove at github
* DesktopCoral: Weird problem on new laptop
* Coding Snack: Have list of URLs, and, in browser, manually load one, then next, etc.
* Coding Snack: Another small clipboard monitor
* Coding Snack: KeyMOUSE (Control your mouse with keyboard keys)
* Coding Snack: Colour Selector for those who program and have found a nice colour
* Coding Snack: Delete folders within directory but not the files within the folder
* ListenToAMovie Downloader
* /r/DonationCoder (Reddit)
* Web Link Captor: Added delay to script
5. Software Discussion
The Software Discussion section is one of the most active areas of the DC forum.
* which is the most advanced pdf editor?
* On data storage and applications going cloud (Surfulater, Mindjet et al.)
* Looking for a minimalist Desktop Calendar Application..
* Recommendation for a free (and good) video conferencing solution
* Free Software from Microsoft.
* Proofreading on pc?
* New organizational utilities
* Homeland Security: Disable UPnP
* Deactivated services and irregular things
* Seeking multi-monitor management app
* Security Software Showdown!
* "Photo Wall" Screensaver for Windows?
* Google Reader gone
* Google Keep note-taking app spotted
* Listary 4 released - tons of new features
* Java - Critical Patch Released
* Java's Deceptive Installation
6. Entertainment and Education: Website Discoveries, Debates, Essays, Discussions
What's new in cyberspace? What exciting new sites have been discovered by forum members? What's the current hot topic and debate? Read on to find out...
* Computer science student expelled for testing university software security
* Can We Trust CNET...(News Article)
* Story of how NewEgg Defeated a Patent Troll
* Download All 270 JS Bach Organ Works For Free
* Flash Game of the Week: Bloons Tower Defense 5
* Why a one-room West Virginia library runs a $20,000 Cisco router.
* Why Russell Holly returned his Microsoft Surface Pro - A Cautionary Tale
* Newly coined term, "internet fury"? A sad article...
* Cat Videos and Private Outsourcing - 2 Variants in Ostensible Brilliance
* What *Should* We Be Worried About?
7. Developer's Corner
This section highlights some discussions that might be relevant for not just for coders and developers, but also people interested in entrepreneurial issues.
* "Half of our users block ads. Now what?"
* Starting an open source software project
* Anyone here do any mobile development?
* Microsoft abandoning XNA Game Studio
* Discourse - A discussion platform by StackExchange's Jeff Atwood
* Anyone interested in some serious look at internals of CMS systems?
* How to make money from music / The art of asking
* Crazy story behind the 64-bit Windows Pinball
* a resource similar to DC's programming school (for python)
* PayPal users are frauds :-(
* The end of FreewareBB?
* TryPerl : A cloud IDE to try perl online and freely and share runnable scripts
Thanks mouser for all the great work lately
(just installed Screenshot Captor 4 :Thmbsup:)
Working your behind off on getting all the updates bug-fixed and released, and still time to write an awesome newsletter? Kudos :Thmbsup:
Wow, 2 updates on software that I use! I'm also going to give Easy Screencast Recorder a try. Guess it's time to make another donation, eh? :P
Vox Populi:
Many thanks to all for the hard work that you put in on this site.
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