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IDEA: Folder Zipper
I know it's not a multi-megbyte monster with a nice GUI....but if you don't mind a simple batch command:
--- Code: Text ---REM 7z2CBZ.cmd@echo off%~d1cd %~dp1for /d %%X in (%*) do (cd "%%~nxX"REM edit line below to include path to 7z.exeC:\batchfiles\7z.exe a "..\%%~nxX.cbz" *.* -mx5 -tzipcd ..)
Put the batch file somewhere, edit it so that it's pointing to 7z.exe, then create a shortcut to it in %USERPROFILE%\SendTo, eg.
To use: select your folders in Explorer, DOpus, etc, right-click and select Send To -> 7z2CBZ
eg. From this:
IDEA: Folder Zipper
You should end up with something like this:
IDEA: Folder Zipper
Obligatory warning: There's no checking for any kind of error, eg. if you selected files instead directories. That said, it works for me :)
A breakdown of what it does:
%~d1 Take the drive of the first argument and change to it
cd %~dp1 Take the path of the first argument and CD to it
for /d %%X in (%*) do ( For every argument passed to the batch file
cd "%%~nxX" CD to the directory
C:\batchfiles\7z.exe a "..\%%~nxX.cbz" *.* -mx5 -tzip Create the archive in the parent directory
cd .. Change back to the parent directory
UPDATE: Got rid of the move command.
What I want to be able to do is either select a large number of folders and right-click create individual archives for each folder selected,
-magician62 (April 29, 2013, 05:25 AM)
--- End quote ---
Try WinRAR: (for a single click solution: Create a profile and let WinRAR put it in your context menu)
I have an app that can convert a folder to a ZIP file. I have not released it as it still needs some work, but I will get to it as soon as I can if it is something you are interested in.
wr975 - I have been using WinRAR since the stoneage, and never noticed that. Probably because I tend to go for right-click archive, so as a temporary solution it will work fine.
4wd - Many thanks, though as I get older, simpler is better so probably Jody incorporating into spinzip, woudl give me thhe other options too with a nice simple GUI for a nice simple me :)
c.gingerich - I think for myself , spinzip will possibly provide the best solution longterm, as I will not be the only one using it. wiffey also has to understand it, and we try to keep the same software on both machines, so we can each swap if neccesary :)
So, you're using WinRAR already? Good for you. I've attached a short screencast video showing you how to create a WinRAR profile + add it the context menu. After doing this, you can zip your files and folders into separate archive files with two mouse-clicks.
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