Software > Screenshot Captor
LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - v4.42.0 beta - July 21, 2022
Welcome to the site, ilpro!
So few people seem to use the brush feature..
I see what you mean about the brush size -- let me look into that, and the antialiasing of the brush layer.
Welcome to the site, ilpro!
So few people seem to use the brush feature..
I see what you mean about the brush size -- let me look into that, and the antialiasing of the brush layer.
-mouser (July 15, 2015, 09:34 PM)
--- End quote ---
Thank you for the welcome and for looking into this. With the increase in popularity of styluses, the brush tool, I think, will increasingly be needed as people like to mark up screen captures (circle, emphasize, jot a note). This, and making the tool buttons larger, would make this a near-perfect program IMO!
Larger buttons are on my todo list.
v4.13.0 BETA - Sep 12, 2015
* [BugFix] On Windows 10 (and 8?), active window captures were taking too long and could be blank if Aero capture options were disabled.
* [BugFix] On Windows 10 (and 8?), active window captures sometimes looked as if they had an Aero theme added to them.
* [BugFix] Program settings were sometimes not being saved when computer rebooted/shutdown.
* [BugFix] Zip files were being shown in thumbnail panel.
* [BugFix] Fixed error in sample commandline for custom emailer tool.
* [BugFIx] Corrected link to ShareX website and improved instruction text for custom uploader configuration,
* [BugFix] Corrected a few miscellaneous typos.
* [Improvement] On Windows8/10, Aero capture mode was enabled by default, needlessly delaying active window captures; Aero options are now disabled by default for Windows 8/10.
* [Improvement] When changing screenshot directories, the program no longer creates a temporary file to test for directory writeability.
* [Improvement] Miscellaneous thumbnail panel improvements for compatibility with operating system.
* [Improvement] Error message when selecting a PDF file in thumbnail list was not accurate.
* [Improvement] Use of the -show commandline option was not bringing program to front if it was already visible.
* [Improvement] New "Open Image" item on main file menu.
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