Software > Screenshot Captor
LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - v4.42.0 beta - July 21, 2022
new beta:
v2.50.01 - March 8th, 2009
* Added new "Move To" menu item which will create a folder based on current date and move all screenshots into it; useful for quick organizing of screenshot folder.
* Added new "Move To" menu for moving only old files and sorting into subfolders based on date of screenshot; userful for cleaning up a big directory of screenshots.
* Added sort by -> name option in View menu.
* Post-capture popup dialog SaveAs now defaults to template filename and configured file type/extension.
* Added new interlace special effects, including one meant for security purposes that will blur and then interlace.
* [BugFix] Discard changes wasn't reloading the original file.
* [BugFix] Thumbnail option to not change to new thumbnail was not being obeyed.
* [BugFix] SC would sometimes select the entire screenshot contents when capturing a region inside the active window.
* [BugFix] The option chosen on SaveOverwrite popup was not being saved if triggered while exiting.
* Added new Region Border Glow effect.
New release. Anyone who experienced crashing after the program woke up from hibernation (especially if you had a multimonitor system), then this new release should fix that problem. Thanks to Roman for helping to diagnose the problem.
v2.53.01 - March 17th, 2009
* Fixed rare bug that could cause an exception when waking from hibernation (especially on multimonitor systems); or when turning off secondary monitors [Thanks Roman!]v2.52.01 - March 12th, 2009
* Added some new variable/macros based on image filename that can be used when calling commandline tools.v2.51.01 - March 10th, 2009
* Added new advanced post-capture commandline tool box where you can configure multiple commandline applications to run after a screenshot is taken. See here for more options you can pass to the post-capture commandline tools.
I just downloaded and installed 2.53.01. I didn't get any notification this time though. I just saw that a new version was available. Same with Process Tamer. How can I get DCUpdater to update these? Or can't I?
Mouser- FYI- I was previously using Screenshot Captor v2.44.01 and had it installed in Windows XP to C:\Documents and Settings\XXXXX\My Documents\Programs\ScreenshotCaptor which worked fine. Now I installed the latest version to the same directory and when I try to save a screenshot or print it, the pop up dialogue window that should appear in front of Screenshot Captor's main window appears behind it and cannot be brought to the front. When I reinstalled the latest version to the normal C:\Programs\ScreenshotCaptor directory it works like it should. I thought that was strange behavior so just letting you know.
thanks -- i think i messed up the ontop behavior in the last update, going to upload a new version this week.
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