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Getting Things Done revisited

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Today's GTD note is the inclusion of a series of occasional spreadsheets. My pile of notes accumulated rather fast, and I just don't feel like copying them all down in the notebook especially the more "recreational" ones!

I do type faster than I hand write. The Big Notebook is a little better for more durable info over multi months. For this spreadsheet I hope to "drill out" the stuff in it and then "park it". Also, this set of info might be a bit fluid, hence the need to be able to cut and paste that would mess up the notebook layout!

I'll still put some stuff in the notebook too. I just want to add a new element to the system.

Just found an interview with Dave Allen of GTD (watching now, but too excited to post after watching):

The interviewer is one really smart cookie. So, if you are into GTD, this will likely be a must see for you.

(It's long, so probably a downloader would help - that's how I'm watching - locally.)

A few "nuggets":

31:40 - "Secrets"
39:00 - Thinking, mental energy, and habits
46:45 - Airplane metaphor
48:35 - GTD 5 stages of mastering workflow
51:40 - GTD 6 horizons of perspective

Wow, I'll have to put that on a To Do list for when I am tired of my class homework! : )

Wow, I'll have to put that on a To Do list for when I am tired of my class homework! : )
-TaoPhoenix (September 16, 2013, 12:20 PM)
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funny, you posted that at almost exactly the same time mouser posted this:

DC member Gothi[c] showed this to me:

-mouser (September 16, 2013, 12:21 PM)
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