Software > PBOL
Latest Progress Bars of Life - Version 2.03 - May 16, 2014
Very nice idea!
A very useful software.
Just a question:
I'm not enable to add this item:
Current Workday (8.00 - 20.00)
(repeating it every day)
After clicking on Apply and Accept, it returns to 0.00 - 0.00 again.
Isn't it possible to add such an item?
Mouser is possible configurate transparency of the main window ?
Is possible under w7 configurate transparency of any window ?
Best Regards
Hi, first of all: The Software looks great.
Unfortunately i canĀ“t get it running correctly. If i try to configure a Starting Date/Time and Accept the Settings, the time is automatically reset to 00:00:00 everytime.
Even the example file with "Current Hour" or "Current Minute" is not working.
I am using the Portable Version on my USB Stick.
Anyone has an idea?
I'm guessing the problem is related to an issue with specifying a time in a format the program is not expecting.
Could you take a screenshot of how you set the time right before you hit accept, and post it here?
Screenshot #1 -> Create a new Item
Screenshot #2 -> Apply Item
Screenshot #3 -> Wrong Progress Bar
Screenshot #4 -> Open created Item
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