ShowOff few days ago, and it is good. Love the straightforward approach.

I even figured out the .ini, and edited it to make things the way I wanted. Makes my videotuts way more understandable.
I have a question about the Time to Hide feature:
I wanted my keyboard shortcuts to be visible for 3 seconds and figured that I should put '3000' to the .ini file on the "time to hide" to make this happen. I did and it kinda works, but then it doesn't. I'll try to explain my problem:
If i press single key i.e. "Ctrl" it shows that for 3 seconds.
But if I press multiple keys ie. "Ctrl+Shift+C", and let go, "C" and "Shift" will disappear from the display right away, and only "Ctrl" stays for 3 seconds..
- Is there a way to make the whole key combination to stay 3 secs after releasing?Using this in win7 if that has anything to do with it..