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RealWorld Paint 2013.1

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Hi coders,

a new version of my freeware image editor is here. This time, the big new feature is vector layers. There is also a new tool called Shape that is similar to the Pen tool in Photoshop (= allows you to create arbitrary shapes from Bezier arcs). There are also a couple of simplifications in the user interface, which should lower the sensory overload new users may experience.

My goal for this version was to make the software usable for semi-professional logo designing and I have a good feeling about it. While it is no Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator, the results you can get from it are often good enough. I also improved the .psd codec - it now understands vector masks in Photoshop files and can import them as vector layers.

Here is a screenshot showing my adaptation of Hally's Robo Cody. It consists of a couple of vector layers with layer styles applied and the shading is in a separate raster layer.

I have no video showing the latest version in action, but here is one I recorded few months ago with a beta version: More tidbits in my blog.

Download at the usual place:
You can pick an installer (digitally signed for the first time) or a portable version. No adware ;) !

Just watching the video now -- it's such an impressive program.. it's rather humbling to think it was coded by just a couple of people -- by all appearances it seems like a commercial tool produced by a large team of pro coders.

Incredible work vlastimil.

Thanks mouser. I often feel foolish working on it, knowing that Adobe is in the same segment ;-). Sticking with smaller tools is definitely a smarter choice, but I am too stubborn to give up.

...and thanks for the donation!

Sounds/looks great vlastimil,
You picked a very difficult subject for your video (face)

I look forward to giving it a go :up:

Sticking with smaller tools is definitely a smarter choice, but I am too stubborn to give up.-vlastimil (March 21, 2013, 11:49 AM)
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OTOH most people would be better off working with 'smaller tools' rather than working with illustrator ;-)

Ooops, what I meant by "Sticking with smaller tools" was that individual software developers should create much smaller and specialized tools than RWPaint already is.


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