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Personal keylogger
If recreation of past tests is your goal in this request...why not use a macro recorder.
Not sure if it would work for your purpose, I don't think it was designed to record a whole (working) day...but you might try any macro recorder similar to: PushThatFreakin'Button. That macro recorder covers all text, but also mouse movements and clicks.
If recording a whole (working) day in one go doesn't work, you can try if it works for an hour and store the results in a folder with the current date as its name.
Storing files in a "dated" folder should be relatively easy to automatize...with a tool like: PushTheFreakin'Button. ;) :P
I know I asked this before, but I got no proper solution!
Use same thread and ask 'any updates, any new ideas'
I know I asked this before, but I got no proper solution!
-kalos (November 07, 2017, 01:13 PM)
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I only skimmed those threads but others seemed to think they offered good solutions & you didnt get back with concrete reasons for disliking them.
So it would be helpful to tell us what you have tried, and why it doesn't suit.
Copied text can be captured with plenty of things.
I like using Notepad2 with the /b command line switch to turn it into an automatic pasteboard. Keep in mind that it will not autosave the file. You have to do that manually.
Check the command line switch section in the readme file for more stuff it can do.
-app103 (March 28, 2013, 07:59 PM)
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Thanks, but I am looking to capture typed text (and copied text now that I am thinking of it)
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