ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > JGPaiva's GridMove and Ahk Tools

Successfully added F1-F12 as fast Move Keys!


I've got it working! To do it, open command.ahk and replace the original code with my code:

--- ---;Original Code
     Hotkey, %FastMoveModifiers%%A_Index%, WinHotkeys
     Hotkey, %FastMoveModifiers%Numpad%A_Index%, WinHotkeys
  Hotkey, %FastMoveModifiers%0, WinHotKey
  Hotkey, %FastMoveModifiers%Numpad0, WinHotkeys
  if FastMoveMeta <>
    Hotkey, %FastMoveModifiers%%FastMoveMeta%, WinHotkeysMeta


--- ---;My Code
;FastMove Works with F1-F12 as grids 11-22 by Expletive

NewHotKeys := {1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5,6:6,7:7,8:8,9:9,sc0b:10,F1:11,F2:12:F3:13:F4:14:F5:15,F6:16,F7:17,F8:18,F9:19,F10:20,F11:21,F12:22,Numpad0:10,Numpad1:1,Numpad2:2,Numpad3:3,Numpad4:4,Numpad5:5,Numpad6:6,Numpad7:7,Numpad8:8,Numpad9:9}
For key, value in NewHotKeys {
        if key
hotkey, %FastMoveMeta%%key%, WinHotKeys
 if FastMoveMeta <>
    Hotkey, %FastMoveModifiers%%FastMoveMeta%, WinHotkeysMeta

  StringReplace, KeyPressed, A_ThisHotKey, %FastMoveMeta%
  Number := NewHotKeys[KeyPressed]

Edit: Ive noticed a couple of bugs:
1.) This code runs fine when run as .ahk but when compiling it, there's an error when it starts, probably because of the 0 key in newhotkeys, but I don't know why it'd only fail on compile.

2.) Pressing shift+3 seems to cause the window to shrink to nothing. I have no clue what's causing this. It doesn't seem to be related to %FastMoveMeta% since even when I change the meta to ^ for ctrl and restart it keeps doing it.

Edit 2:

So I fixed Error 2, and now there isn't an error message about '' not being a valid key, however it still only seems to work when ran as a script. After compiling, there is no error, but fast move has no modifer meta , and when grids are selected with the #g command, grids above 9 can't be selected.

I have no idea why there would be differences between a script and a compiled script. If anyone here has experience with autohotkey, I'd appreciate some help. But for anyone using gridmove as a .ahk, the above code should work fine for you.

I see a few problems:
From what I understand, AHK doesn't support the "for each" loop you're using.
Also, you're defining a subroutine inside the loop, which I don't think can be done either (rubroutines can only be declared at topmost level?). Also, I don't think you can define a subroutine using the name of a variable (but I may be wrong).
If you want to use the keys only up to F9, this should work:

--- ---DefineHotkeys:
     Hotkey, F%A_Index%, WinHotkeys
  if FastMoveMeta <>
    Hotkey, %FastMoveModifiers%%FastMoveMeta%, WinHotkeysMeta


To make this work for the remaining keys, you'd have to make the loop go up to 22, and change the code for parsing the number, which currently only takes the last character in the hotkey to figure out the grid. (I'm referring to this line:)

--- ---  StringRight,Number,A_ThisHotkey,1

Updated original post


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