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Show us a picture of your.. CAR!!!

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looks great

COOOOL  :up:
-mouser (August 01, 2013, 09:23 PM)
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Maybe this can be the codymobile?  :)

Thanks for that... I'm checking it out... but I think I'm all in. :)
-wraith808 (August 01, 2013, 08:46 PM)
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  Oh yeah, I'm ALL IN with the non-refundable $1000.  Now for the hard part, waiting for it to come off the assembly-line.....   :D

Thanks for that... I'm checking it out... but I think I'm all in. :)
-wraith808 (August 01, 2013, 08:46 PM)
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  Oh yeah, I'm ALL IN with the non-refundable $1000.  Now for the hard part, waiting for it to come off the assembly-line.....   :D
-Tinman57 (August 02, 2013, 03:43 PM)
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The only two things I still have to research are the maintenance/parts and acceleration.  If they're in high demand and your car needs a part... are you going to be able to get it?  Are there going to be mechanics certified to work on it, or how easy/hard is it to work on?  Especially with those exposed wheel mounts.  And they mention top speed... but not acceleration...

Thanks for that... I'm checking it out... but I think I'm all in. :)
-wraith808 (August 01, 2013, 08:46 PM)
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  Oh yeah, I'm ALL IN with the non-refundable $1000.  Now for the hard part, waiting for it to come off the assembly-line.....   :D
-Tinman57 (August 02, 2013, 03:43 PM)
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The only two things I still have to research are the maintenance/parts and acceleration.  If they're in high demand and your car needs a part... are you going to be able to get it?  Are there going to be mechanics certified to work on it, or how easy/hard is it to work on?  Especially with those exposed wheel mounts.  And they mention top speed... but not acceleration...
-wraith808 (August 02, 2013, 04:01 PM)
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  There will be Elio distributors just about everywhere like the ATV distributors are.  In fact, you can contact Elio to be a distributor yourself.  Even during the first part of their manufactor, you can get parts through the factory in Shreveport, Louisiana where they're being made.


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