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What are your favorite movies?

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+1 Curt. Here the snow let up so I repaired my snowblower :)

... or on trains (or in train stations) particularly enjoyable like I do?-40hz (March 13, 2013, 01:04 AM)
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Throwing up another one along the train theme:

Having traveled on the Transsiberian automatically meant I had to watch it and it turned out to be a surprisingly good film.

Switching gears for a second, does anybody find movies that take place in subways or on trains (or in train stations) particularly enjoyable like I do? (Freudians can feel free draw their own conclusions about that... >:D)
-40hz (March 13, 2013, 01:04 AM)
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In my first post in this thread, I mentioned Source Code, which is a pretty good movie that does take place primarily on a train. Don't read too much on IMDB unless you want spoilers that will ruin your movie watching experience. If you liked Inception, you'll probably like this one, too.

@App - Wow! That looks very cool. Can't believe I missed that when it came around. :)

Something I'd like to suggest is a weird little B&W 1966 movie by John Frankenheimer starring Rock Hudson called Seconds.

Suppose you received a message from a dead friend telling you there was a way to start your adult life over - except this time around you'd get to do it in style. How high a price tag would you be willing to to pay for a crack at something like that? And what would you do if it turned out you could afford it?

Seconds is one of those quietly chilling movies (like Videodrome) that doesn't hit you right away. It's only after a day or two when you find yourself still thinking about it that the creepiness of the story becomes fully manifest.

Skip IMDB if you don't want too much of a spoiler. Seconds is a much more eerie movie experience if you just go into it cold. :Thmbsup:

What 40hz said. :Thmbsup:


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