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Futurama Icon Set: I think we can all agree that this is the best thing ever.

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Good news, everyone! Futurama icons that look like disembodied figuring heads!
-Deozaan (February 06, 2013, 12:48 PM)
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am I being overly pedantic?
-f0dder (February 05, 2013, 05:23 PM)
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@f - Can't speak for everyone, but I'd be very disappointed if you ever stopped being so picky about things. I often learn something by reading your hardcore tech diatribes and comments. Please don't ever change. ;D :Thmbsup:

Do not like, too clay-ish.

In my opinion: it doesn't make sense if an icon looks as real life object so much… or a photo.
Hyperrealism and Futurama? Not for me.


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