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Bitdefender Internet Security sale
See the details in http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=340984.
Note also #12 there (=keys don't expire if not used).
And, extremely important: make sure to DISABLE auto-renew; otherwise you can get charged a huge sum of money when renewal time rolls around!
The glitch has been fixed.
Joe Hone:
There is always some contrarian. . . but even free I would pass on bitdefender. I had the full suite for 2 years and it did nothing but fight my OS, Windows XP. Extremely high CPU hog, interfered with programs running, etc. It took quite a while to figure out bitdefender was the problem and once I uninstalled it in October 2012, no more problems. As usual, your mileage may vary.
Steven Avery:
Based on my experiences with them, I would not buy BitDefender unless they have acknowledged that they will not force an opt-out -- to prevent a large bill when the initial inexpensive or free one expires. The auto-renew.
Even if you remember to opt-out (do it the day you receive the license) what about the 100 others who get taken. The concept is wrong.
I use BitDefender AntiVirus 2013, not the full suite (because I'm not willing to part with Online Armor Free, which is a great firewall).
After installing it, my system became much faster! (I'd been using Prevx, MBAM, and Microsoft Security Essentials before), and I really love the mini-scans it does. (Instead of a full scan that slows your system down, it does very short scans when the CPU is idle).
It has also caught malware the others didn't, so I'm really pleased with it.
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