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FastStone Image Viewer

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I am still using v.4.6 , its great, beats Ashampoo Photo Commander any version, photo editing is great too, viewing digital comics, etc etc, i only wish it was a tad faster like Irfanview, i can't think of any reason why not to use it.... :Thmbsup:

i only wish it was a tad faster like Irfanview
-hulkbuster (February 01, 2013, 02:09 AM)
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do you use both? If yes,
I'm curious what you'd use each one for - when or why you would choose to open one instead of the other?

do you use both? If yes,
I'm curious what you'd use each one for - when or why you would choose to open one instead of the other?
-tomos (February 01, 2013, 03:43 AM)
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I use Irfanview, if the images are not too big ( i mean in length ),for faster viewing of images and if the images contain large information and needs a magnifier and for short editing Faststone is the default choice for me, i tried Ashampoo Photo commander, to view 15 jpg images named serially from 1-15 and guess what, after reaching #4 i try to view the next image , it would jump to image #7 its all haphazard, tried it with even Ashampoo Photo v.10, just for a photo editing and viewing its bloated.
Their are few things which is good like batch renaming short editing, with little better aesthetic feel etc but little more bloated. I don't have it anymore.  :-\
Faststone never shown this bug, its stable as bedrock. Batch renaming works beautifully, croping and texting an image work fine,,,ideal choice for viewing digital comics.

I use MaxView (last free version).

@cyberdiva, ACDSee must surely (?) have more comprehensive management features.
I know it's editor has gotten a very good review (dc summary comparing it to Lightroom but negative about interface, which could be the killer blow - against it I mean).
-tomos (January 30, 2013, 04:06 PM)
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tomos, I suspect I haven't really given ACDSee a fair trial.  Two things turned me off at the start.  In part because of the enthusiastic reviews here on DC, I decided to take advantage of a special offer.  But when I went to buy the program, they wanted more than the price they had advertised.  I had to exchange a number of email messages before they agreed to let me pay the price they'd advertised.  And then, less than two weeks later, they came out with a new version.  I assumed I'd get that version for free, since I had bought the previous version so recently.  But the company insisted that I pay for it as an upgrade.  After a rather heated exchange of messages (heated on my part), they finally agreed that I was entitled to the new version at no additional cost.   These experiences somewhat soured my feelings about the company and, possibly, about the program.  


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