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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

Microsoft 5-Game Arcade/Indie Pack

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For PC?

$19.99.  Quit looking on Amazon. ;)

-wraith808 (January 29, 2013, 10:52 AM)
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Offer is "region locked" - not even showing up when I log in into my account.
This is why I've been looking for it anywhere. I even saw it on Ebay for outrageous 70£ once.

I  had bought my copy for about 7$ three years ago with a lot of luck and have been looking for another one since (for co-op).

Oh wow... sorry, man.  I was surprised that you hadn't seen that... now I see why.  Other than on GFWL, I don't think MS is really supporting it in the sales chain, so I don't think that things are going to get better for you :(

Can you gift things on GFWL?  If so, I'll gift it to you... haven't tried before, but I know that's how we get around it on Steam...

Can you gift things on GFWL?  If so, I'll gift it to you... haven't tried before, but I know that's how we get around it on Steam...-wraith808 (January 29, 2013, 01:26 PM)
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I rarely use GFWL - it is as crappy as hell for PC. And I did lost one account due to transfer issues, when they had announced that it is available in Poland quite a while ago.

Well, I can live without new purchase because I have my own copy. It's only sad because I wanted to co-op on PC with my brother, just like with many other games we like.

I see a lot of people say that, i.e. "I rarely use GFWL - it is as crappy as hell for PC."  I haven't had any problems with it, and when I question, no one has been able to tell me exactly *what*.  I had problems initially, but didn't have the latest version installed.  Haven't had any problems since that initial install, and I love the fact that it's hooked to my xbox.  What kind of problems have you had?  Just curious...


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