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Computer science student expelled for testing university software security

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Stoic Joker:
@Mouser - FWIW I am on record a few posts back for saying I thought the response seemed unusually harsh and possibly excessive based on the facts made public so far.-40hz (January 22, 2013, 06:03 AM)
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Which is pretty much where this keeps going in a circle:
Everyone seems to agree that the punishment was excessive.
Everyone seems to agrees that he totally screwed up.

Yet we're debating what exactly?

But that's been the historic response whenever arbitrary acts of authority get challenged. :-\
-40hz (January 22, 2013, 06:52 AM)
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"Why?" seems like a natural enough and reasonable enough question to me. :)

Yet we're debating what exactly?
-Stoic Joker (January 22, 2013, 07:06 AM)
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Good point. I think we should get on to what students SHOULD do. i.e.

* Report vulnerabilities
* Don't report vulnerabilities
* Sell exploits to pay for books & tuition
* Publish the exploit on Twitter & PasteBin then watch the SHTF? :P-Renegade (January 22, 2013, 12:16 AM)
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I'm voting for #4 as it would be the most entertaining~! :P  :Thmbsup:

Having said that if the university had any sense they would have invited him to help with checking the hole wa fixed after he reported it initially.
-Carol Haynes (January 22, 2013, 03:40 AM)
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They wouldn't do that because they were already in CYA mode.

@Mouser - FWIW I am on record a few posts back for saying I thought the response seemed unusually harsh and possibly excessive based on the facts made public so far.-40hz (January 22, 2013, 06:03 AM)
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Which is pretty much where this keeps going in a circle:
Everyone seems to agree that the punishment was excessive.
Everyone seems to agrees that he totally screwed up.

Yet we're debating what exactly?
-Stoic Joker (January 22, 2013, 07:06 AM)
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Exactly  ;D

Good point. I think we should get on to what students SHOULD do. i.e.

* Report vulnerabilities
* Don't report vulnerabilities
* Sell exploits to pay for books & tuition
* Publish the exploit on Twitter & PasteBin then watch the SHTF? :P-Renegade (January 22, 2013, 12:16 AM)
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I'm voting for #4 as it would be the most entertaining~! :P  :Thmbsup:

-Renegade (January 22, 2013, 07:31 AM)
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(Although in all reality, I still don't condone that type of stuff.  No matter how douchey one person (or part of the organization) may be, that kind of stuff gets people fired, harms totally unrelated people, and is just evil)

Report says even Skytech is offering.
-cmpm (January 21, 2013, 11:05 PM)
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A good quote from the comments on that article:
Mr. Al-Khabaz-- get a lawyer before you accept Skytech's "scholarship" or "job offer". My guess is they want you to sign something to prevent any future claims against them. The more generous they are, the greater their perceived liability in this case.

Based on the reported news, it seems that they bullied you into signing non-disclosure and then they disclosed your actions to Dawson. That information was used by Dawson to expel you.

I'm sure there is a Montreal lawyer with a sense of justice who would love to take your case, possibly for little or no cost to you.

Proceed with caution.

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I hope he takes that seriously...


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