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Computer science student expelled for testing university software security

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And yeah, I know keeping large systems up and running smoothly isn't an easy job. I do have sympathy for sysadmins - they seem to have one of those jobs where when the SHTF, it really hits the fan and splatters everywhere.
-Renegade (January 21, 2013, 09:21 PM)
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You run a kinder and gentler shop than most if that's the case. Most of my experience has taught me when the poo really hits the fan it's shortly followed by a few sysadmins being thrown through those same blades.

"You're only golden until your first major FU!" was never truer than it is in the systems administration world. Most times, having your plant go down on you (if there was even the slightest chance of doing something that might have prevented it) is definitely a career-limiting event for most sysadmins. Especially if there's no incompetent junior operator or summer intern handy to sacrifice to the angry management gods.


The job offers are starting up now.
He may have fast-tracked his career!

Report says even Skytech is offering.
Hm, I think there will be more info sometime tomorrow.

You run a kinder and gentler shop than most if that's the case. Most of my experience has taught me when the poo really hits the fan it's shortly followed by a few sysadmins being thrown through those same blades.
-40hz (January 21, 2013, 10:10 PM)
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Hahahahaha~! I love the metaphor there! :D

Still, let's remember that this guy is a STUDENT and not a sysadmin professional. He doesn't have 10 years of experience running large systems, and is unlikely to really understand a lot of the issues that sysadmins face. Sure, he may "know" XYZ, but there's a very big difference between "knowing" and "understanding".

Sysadmins are highly educated, well paid, experienced people that have been around the block probably more than a couple times. When they drop the ball through incompetence, well, yeah - there's hell to pay. But I'm not so sure that applying the same standards to amateurs (students) is really, meh. I'll drop it. Not the ball! I mean drop the whole amateur/pro thing. :D

The job offers are starting up now.
He may have fast-tracked his career!

Report says even Skytech is offering.
Hm, I think there will be more info sometime tomorrow.
-cmpm (January 21, 2013, 11:05 PM)
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Sounds like things will work out for him! :D Good to hear!  :up:

A classical punishing instead correcting lie of thought.

When a patient is sick, first you try to cure it. You do not shoot him. Thats what this university did. Instead of suspending his computer access to the university network, they choose to expel him.

To those defending the expulsion. Would you prefer if he would just keep the vulnerabilities secret and later he or someone else just abuse them? Because knowingly or not thats what you are advocating here.


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