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Spider Oak Purge

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If you open Spider Oak on your Desktop, you then go to the View tab then find the folder you want, you'll see a small arrow and if you click that you'll find the versions (if you have changed the file) in brackets!

Then if you click on the file you'll see them listed as per my 2nd pic...

Hope this helps!

If you open Spider Oak on your Desktop, you then go to the View tab then find the folder you want, you'll see a small arrow and if you click that you'll find the versions (if you have changed the file) in brackets!

Then if you click on the file you'll see them listed as per my 2nd pic...
Hope this helps!
-CleverCat (March 01, 2014, 04:06 AM)
--- End quote ---

thanks CleverCat!
unfortunately it doesnt look like that here (Win7 x64, no files show). But Spider Oak was acting a little funny this session - I'll see if it's working after a reboot later today.
If not I'll contact SpiderOak about it,
thanks again :up:

Funny? I have Win 7 x86 or 32bit...

^same problem after rebooting - no files at all showing, only folders. I get the little arrow to indicate content but nothing shows when I click it. So, looks like I got me a bug to report :-)

I've always had a quick response from SpiderOak - hope you do...


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