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Spider Oak Purge

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I copied this of Spider Oak Website as a shortcut to purge versions:

c:\\"Program Files (x86)"\\SpiderOak\\SpiderOak.exe --purge-historical-versions d60
--- End quote ---

The command box says "cannot find path specified"

Their response: It appears that you added some extra backslashes. Please try entering the command exactly as you see it here:

c:\"Program Files (x86)"\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe --purge-historical-versions d60

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
--- End quote ---

Neither command works?

Any ideas?  :tellme:

Should be quotes around the whole path\program:

"c:\Program Files (x86)\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe" --purge-historical-versions d60


c:\progra~2\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe --purge-historical-versions d60

should work if you haven't fiddled with any registry entries :)

Hi 4wd  :D

Neither of those works either  :(

My data is stored on D drive and I tried that too - no luck... :huh:

Silly question but the path and program do exist don't they?

Otherwise, open a command prompt and try the commands in italics:

C:\>cd \progra~2\spideroak

C:\PROGRA~2\SpiderOak>spideroak.exe --purge-historical-versions d60

C:\PROGRA~2\SpiderOak>batchmode run complete: shutting down        <---- response after a minute or so

Another silly question: You are running Windows 7 x64, right ?

If you aren't, then it's just:

"C:\Program Files\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe" --purge-historical-versions d60


c:\progra~1\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe --purge-historical-versions d60

Running Win7 32bit.....

Here what just happened:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\System32>"C:\Program Files\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe" --purge-historica
l-versions d60

C:\Windows\System32>"C:\Program Files\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe" --purge-historica
l-versions d60

C:\Windows\System32>c:\progra~1\SpiderOak\SpiderOak.exe --purge-historical-versi
ons d60

C:\Windows\System32>batchmode run complete: shutting down

--- End quote ---



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