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CyberNetNews - Still alive?
Visiting CyberNetNews has been a part of my morning routine for quite a while, but it appears the site went static a couple of weeks ago, and I don't see any links in their "Sponsors" section. Has the site died? :(
Nope, it's still there. Probably a server in it's path not responding due to cyber attacks or just crashed. Sometimes I can't get to certain websites and others I can for the same reason(s)
Guess I shouldn't have said "died." :-[ Just noted that the site has not been updated for several weeks, and the last entry on the Twitter feed was December 11. Hope they are just on holiday.
Guess I shouldn't have said "died." :-[ Just noted that the site has not been updated for several weeks, and the last entry on the Twitter feed was December 11. Hope they are just on holiday.
-dspelley (January 04, 2013, 03:54 PM)
--- End quote ---
Yeah, considering they're just a husband and wife team, they're probably on vacation or something. The last update on their website as far as I can tell was Dec 13th.
Looks like the site has been dormant now for 2 months :(. Too bad - I frequently found good news, application recommendations, etc. when visiting their site.
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