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--> NANY 2013 Roundup Summary

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Congrats all!

Congrats all!
-kyrathaba (January 02, 2013, 09:22 PM)
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Heh Kyrathaba I had fun with your video show last year. It would be fun if you did a Librivox story recording! What accent do you have? :  )

Congratulations to everybody. Great software as always.  :Thmbsup: has featured NANY 2013:

Donationcoder Nany 2013 programs

The Donation Coder website holds a programming event they call Nany, which stands for New Apps for the New Year, in which coders pledge to create and release a free piece of software by year’s end. The variety of programs is usually enormous, from small portable programs that are useful for a very specific task over plugins for existing programs to game editors.

The programs of this year have just been announced my Mouser. You can visit the site to go through the programs one by one to find the ones of interest to you.
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Congratulations all :Thmbsup:.

Tao, I guess you could say it is a southern accent. It would certainly sound that way to many of our viewers.


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